Scotland Humiliated by Homosexual Acts at Commonwealth Games
(too old to reply)
2014-08-07 13:02:22 UTC
Just as the Olympics opening ceremony was more about promoting race-mixing
than sport, the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony in Scotland has also
been used to promote a part of the Jewish agenda - homosexuality.

The flamboyant and irritating faggot John Barrowman was chosen to front the
spectacle, which is an insult to the Scottish people just on its own, as he
is only half-Scottish and has a broad American accent.

One can only hope the reason for this was that the organisers were unable to
actually find a full-Scottish homosexual.

The highlight of the show was him snogging his latest bum-chum, who also
just happened to be one of the main male dancers.

Besides humiliating the native Scots by claiming that this was a way of
accentuating Scottish values, the unnatural act was also calculated to
scandalise the 42 countries of the Commonwealth where homosexuality is still
quite rightfully illegal.

It should come as no surprise to anyone then, to discover that a Jew was
behind all this, the head of ceremonies and artistic director of the show,
David Zolkver.

The Peeler
2014-08-07 15:11:18 UTC
On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 15:02:22 +0200, Dumb Heini, the heavily medicated dutch
resident Nazi troll and laughing stock of sci and scj, wrote:

<FLUSH the dutch FAG's usual inane copy & paste troll>

"Homosexual acts", dutch FAG? And you haven't been there? Awww!

BTW, does your poor Indonesian wife STILL not know about your "special
interests"? <BG>
Our Dutch fag addressing a poster:
"you are a lovely boy.sweet kisses from heinrich "
MID: <dtfbt.20666$***@newsfe01.iad>
Our Dutch Nazi fag addressing a poster on these groups:
"i want you because you turn me on"
MID: <4ee37b40$0$8167$***@news.tweakdsl.nl>
The Dutch Nazi fag linking to video with homosexual action:
MID: <Yfbyp.17592$***@newsfe05.iad>
The Dutch Nazi fag linking to video with nude rugby players:
Message-ID: <A6Maq.16877$***@newsfe11.iad>
Deka Tessera 14
2014-08-07 16:21:23 UTC
Post by Heinrich
David Zolkver.

Wrong link...

Here's the correct one:
The Revd
2014-08-07 20:15:53 UTC
On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 09:21:23 -0700 (PDT), Grikb-xer®™ the Grik piece of
Post by Deka Tessera 14
Post by Heinrich
David Zolkver.
You just got greeked?
Post by Deka Tessera 14
Wrong link...
The Scots are as bent as the Griks!
The Peeler
2014-08-07 20:51:34 UTC
On Thu, 07 Aug 2014 13:15:53 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Post by The Revd
Post by Deka Tessera 14
Post by Heinrich
You just got greeked?
Is your ass itching already, "The Rectum"? Well, do something about it! Give
it finally what it seems to need so much! <BG>
Post by The Revd
Post by Deka Tessera 14
Wrong link...
The Scots are as bent as the Griks!
<BG> Your HOMOSEXUALITY keeps showing, "The Rectum"!
The Rectum about himself:
"And you just wish someone, anyone, anything would cornhole you!"
The Revd
2014-08-07 20:16:03 UTC
Post by Heinrich
Just as the Olympics opening ceremony was more about promoting race-mixing
than sport, the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony in Scotland has also
been used to promote a part of the Jewish agenda - homosexuality.
The flamboyant and irritating faggot John Barrowman was chosen to front the
spectacle, which is an insult to the Scottish people just on its own, as he
is only half-Scottish and has a broad American accent.
Scotland is known as a hotbed of homosexuality.
The Peeler
2014-08-07 20:51:49 UTC
On Thu, 07 Aug 2014 13:16:03 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Post by The Revd
Post by Heinrich
The flamboyant and irritating faggot John Barrowman was chosen to front the
spectacle, which is an insult to the Scottish people just on its own, as he
is only half-Scottish and has a broad American accent.
Scotland is known as a hotbed of homosexuality.
You mean Scotland is like your asshole, you frustrated fat old fag? <BG>
P-Dub about The Rectum:
"The REVD doesn't have to be neutered. He already has no balls. No job.
No skills. No friends. No woman AND no balls. No wonder he's such a
'pleasant' fellow."
MID: <RWvet.2816$***@newsfe16.iad>