Israel Deliberately Blocked Humanitarian Aid to Gaza, Two Government Bodies Concluded. Antony Blinken Rejected Them.
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D. Ray
2024-10-06 01:42:44 UTC
The U.S. government’s two foremost authorities on humanitarian assistance
concluded this spring that Israel had deliberately blocked deliveries of
food and medicine into Gaza.

The U.S. Agency for International Development delivered its assessment to
Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the State Department’s refugees
bureau made its stance known to top diplomats in late April. Their
conclusion was explosive because U.S. law requires the government to cut
off weapons shipments to countries that prevent the delivery of U.S.-backed
humanitarian aid. Israel has been largely dependent on American bombs and
other weapons in Gaza since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks.

But Blinken and the administration of President Joe Biden did not accept
either finding. Days later, on May 10, Blinken delivered a carefully worded
statement to Congress that said, “We do not currently assess that the
Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting the transport or
delivery of U.S. humanitarian assistance.”

Prior to his report, USAID had sent Blinken a detailed 17-page memo on
Israel’s conduct. The memo described instances of Israeli interference with
aid efforts, including killing aid workers, razing agricultural structures,
bombing ambulances and hospitals, sitting on supply depots and routinely
turning away trucks full of food and medicine.

Lifesaving food was stockpiled less than 30 miles across the border in an
Israeli port, including enough flour to feed about 1.5 million Palestinians
for five months, according to the memo. But in February the Israeli
government had prohibited the transfer of flour, saying its recipient was
the United Nations’ Palestinian branch that had been accused of having ties
with Hamas.

Separately, the head of the State Department’s Bureau of Population,
Refugees and Migration had also determined that Israel was blocking
humanitarian aid and that the Foreign Assistance Act should be triggered to
freeze almost $830 million in taxpayer dollars earmarked for weapons and
bombs to Israel, according to emails obtained by ProPublica.

The U.N. has declared a famine in parts of Gaza. The world’s leading
independent panel of aid experts found that nearly half of the Palestinians
in the enclave are struggling with hunger. Many go days without eating.
Local authorities say dozens of children have starved to death — likely a
significant undercount. Health care workers are battling a lack of
immunizations compounded by a sanitation crisis. Last month, a little boy
became Gaza’s first confirmed case of polio in 25 years.

The USAID officials wrote that because of Israel’s behavior, the U.S.
should pause additional arms sales to the country. ProPublica obtained a
copy of the agency’s April memo along with the list of evidence that the
officials cited to back up their findings.

USAID, which is led by longtime diplomat Samantha Power, said the looming
famine in Gaza was the result of Israel’s “arbitrary denial, restriction,
and impediments of U.S. humanitarian assistance,” according to the memo. It
also acknowledged Hamas had played a role in the humanitarian crisis.
USAID, which receives overall policy guidance from the secretary of state,
is an independent agency responsible for international development and
disaster relief. The agency had for months tried and failed to deliver
enough food and medicine to a starving and desperate Palestinian

It is, USAID concluded, “one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes in the

In response to detailed questions for this story, the State Department said
that it had pressured the Israelis to increase the flow of aid. “As we made
clear in May when [our] report was released, the US had deep concerns
during the period since October 7 about action and inaction by Israel that
contributed to a lack of sustained delivery of needed humanitarian
assistance,” a spokesperson wrote. “Israel subsequently took steps to
facilitate increased humanitarian access and aid flow into Gaza.”

Government experts and human rights advocates said while the State
Department may have secured a number of important commitments from the
Israelis, the level of aid going to Palestinians is as inadequate as when
the two determinations were reached. “The implication that the humanitarian
situation has markedly improved in Gaza is a farce,” said Scott Paul, an
associate director at Oxfam. “The emergence of polio in the last couple
months tells you all that you need to know.”

The USAID memo was an indication of a deep rift within the Biden
administration on the issue of military aid to Israel. In March, the U.S.
ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew, sent Blinken a cable arguing that Israel’s
war cabinet, which includes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense
Minister Yoav Gallant, should be trusted to facilitate aid shipments to the

Lew acknowledged that “other parts of the Israeli government have tried to
impede the movement of [humanitarian assistance,]” according to a copy of
his cable obtained by ProPublica. But he recommended continuing to provide
military assistance because he had “assessed that Israel will not
arbitrarily deny, restrict, or otherwise impede U.S. provided or supported”
shipments of food and medicine.

Lew said Israeli officials regularly cite “overwhelming negative Israeli
public opinion against” allowing aid to the Palestinians, “especially when
Hamas seizes portions of it and when hostages remain in Gaza.” The Israeli
government did not respond to a request for comment but has said in the
past that it follows the laws of war, unlike Hamas.

In the months leading up to that cable, Lew had been told repeatedly about
instances of the Israelis blocking humanitarian assistance, according to
four U.S. officials familiar with the embassy operations but, like others
quoted in this story, not authorized to speak about them. “No other nation
has ever provided so much humanitarian assistance to their enemies,” Lew
responded to subordinates at the time, according to two of the officials,
who said the comments drew widespread consternation.

“That put people over the edge,” one of the officials told ProPublica.
“He’d be a great spokesperson for the Israeli government.”

A second official said Lew had access to the same information as USAID
leaders in Washington, in addition to evidence collected by the local State
Department diplomats working in Jerusalem. “But his instincts are to defend
Israel,” said a third official.

“Ambassador Lew has been at the forefront of the United States’ work to
increase the flow of humanitarian assistance to Gaza, as well as diplomatic
efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement that would secure the release of
hostages, alleviate the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza, and bring an end
to the conflict,” the State Department spokesperson wrote.

The question of whether Israel was impeding humanitarian aid has garnered
widespread attention. Before Blinken’s statement to Congress, Reuters
reported concerns from USAID about the death toll in Gaza, which now stands
at about 42,000, and that some officials inside the State Department,
including the refugees bureau, had warned him that the Israelis’ assurances
were not credible. The existence of USAID’s memo, Lew’s cable and their
broad conclusions were also previously reported.

But the full accounting of USAID’s evidence, the determination of the
refugees bureau in April and the statements from experts at the embassy —
along with Lew’s decision to undermine them — reveal new aspects of the
striking split within the Biden administration and how the highest-ranking
American diplomats have justified his policy of continuing to flood Israel
with arms over the objections of their own experts.

Stacy Gilbert, a former senior civil military adviser in the refugees
bureau who had been working on drafts of Blinken’s report to Congress,
resigned over the language in the final version. “There is abundant
evidence showing Israel is responsible for blocking aid,” she wrote in a
statement shortly after leaving, which The Washington Post and other
outlets reported on. “To deny this is absurd and shameful.

“That report and its flagrant untruths will haunt us.”

The State Department’s headquarters in Washington did not always welcome
that kind of information from U.S. experts on the ground, according to a
person familiar with the embassy operations. That was especially true when
experts reported the small number of aid trucks being allowed in.

“A lot of times they would not accept it because it was lower than what the
Israelis said,” the person told ProPublica. “The sentiment from Washington
was, ‘We want to see the aid increasing because Israel told us it would.’”

While Israel has its own arms industry, the country relies heavily on
American jets, bombs and other weapons in Gaza. Since October, the U.S. has
shipped more than 50,000 tons of weaponry, which the Israeli military says
has been “crucial for sustaining” the Israel Defense Forces’ “operational
capabilities during the ongoing war.”

The U.S. gives the Israeli government about $3.8 billion every year as a
baseline and significantly more during wartime — money the Israelis use to
buy American-made bombs and equipment. Congress and the executive branch
have imposed legal guardrails on how Israel and other partners can use that

One of them is the Foreign Assistance Act. The humanitarian aid portion of
the law is known as 620I, which dates back to Turkey’s embargo of Armenia
during the 1990s. That part of the law has never been widely implemented.
But this year, advocacy groups and some Democrats in Congress brought it
out of obscurity and called for Biden to use 620I to pressure the Israelis
to allow aid freely into Gaza.

In response, the Biden administration announced a policy called the
National Security Memorandum, or NSM-20, to require the State Department to
vet Israel’s assurances about whether it was blocking aid and then report
its findings to lawmakers. If Blinken determined the Israelis were not
facilitating aid and were instead arbitrarily restricting it, then the
government would be required by the law to halt military assistance.

Blinken submitted the agency’s official position on May 10, siding with
Lew, which meant that the military support would continue.

In a statement that same day, Sen. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., criticized the
administration for choosing “to disregard the requirements of NSM-20.”

“Whether or not Israel is at this moment complying with international
standards with respect to facilitating humanitarian assistance to
desperate, starving citizens may be debatable,” Van Hollen said. “What is
undeniable — for those who don’t look the other way — is that it has
repeatedly violated those standards over the last 7 months.”

As of early March, at least 930 trucks full of food, medicine and other
supplies were stuck in Egypt awaiting approval from the Israelis, according
to USAID’s memo.

The officials wrote that the Israeli government frequently blocks aid by
imposing bureaucratic delays. The Israelis took weeks or months to respond
to humanitarian groups that had submitted specific items to be approved for
passage past government checkpoints. Israel would then often deny those
submissions outright or accept them some days but not others. The Israeli
government “doesn’t provide justification, issues blanket rejections, or
cites arbitrary factors for the denial of certain items,” the memo said.

Israeli officials told State Department attorneys that the Israeli
government has “scaled up its security check capacity and asserted that it
imposes no limits on the number of trucks that can be inspected and enter
Gaza,” according to a separate memo sent to Blinken and obtained by
ProPublica. Those officials blamed most of the holdups on the humanitarian
groups for not having enough capacity to get food and medicine in. USAID
and State Department experts who work directly with those groups say that
is not true.

In separate emails obtained by ProPublica, aid officials identified items
in trucks that were banned by the Israelis, including emergency shelter
gear, solar lamps, cooking stoves and desalination kits, because they were
deemed “dual use,” which means Hamas could co-opt the materials. Some of
the trucks that were turned away had also been carrying American-funded
items like hygiene kits, the emails show.

In its memo to Blinken, USAID also cited numerous publicly reported
incidents in which aid facilities and workers were hit by Israeli
airstrikes even sometimes after they had shared their locations with the
IDF and received approval, a process known as “deconfliction.” The Israeli
government has maintained that most of those incidents were mistakes.

USAID found the Israelis often promised to take adequate measures to
prevent such incidents but frequently failed to follow through. On Nov. 18,
for instance, a convoy of aid workers was trying to evacuate along a route
assigned to them by the IDF. The convoy was denied permission to cross a
military checkpoint — despite previous IDF authorization.

Then, while en route back to their facility, the IDF opened fire on the aid
workers, killing two of them.

Inside the State Department and ahead of Blinken’s report to Congress, some
of the agency’s highest-ranking officials had a separate exchange about
whether Israel was blocking humanitarian aid. ProPublica obtained an email
thread documenting the episode.

On April 17, a Department of Defense official reached out to Mira Resnick,
a deputy assistant secretary at the State Department who has been described
as the agency’s driving force behind arms sales to Israel and other
partners this year. The official alerted Resnick to the fact that there was
about $827 million in U.S. taxpayer dollars sitting in limbo.

Resnick turned to the Counselor of the State Department and said, “We need
to be able to move the rest of the” financing so that Israel could pay off
bills for past weapons purchases. The financing she referenced came from
American tax dollars.

The counselor, one of the highest posts at the agency, agreed with Resnick.
“I think we need to move these funds,” he wrote.

But there was a hurdle, according to the agency’s top attorney: All the
relevant bureaus inside the State Department would need to sign off on and
agree that Israel was not preventing humanitarian aid shipments. “The
principal thing we would need to see is that no bureau currently assesses
that the restriction in 620i is triggered,” Richard Visek, the agency’s
acting legal adviser, wrote.

The bureaus started to fall in line. The Middle East and human rights
divisions agreed and determined the law hadn’t been triggered, “in light of
Netanyahu’s commitments and the steps Israel has announced so far,” while
noting that they still have “significant concerns about Israeli actions.”

By April 25, all had signed off but one. The Bureau of Population, Refugees
and Migration was the holdout. That was notable because the bureau had
among the most firsthand knowledge of the situation after months of working
closely with USAID and humanitarian groups to try to get food and medicine
to the Palestinians.

“While we agree there have been positive steps on some commitments related
to humanitarian assistance, we continue to assess that the facts on the
ground indicate U.S. humanitarian assistance is being restricted,” an
official in the bureau wrote to the group.

It was a potentially explosive stance to take. One of Resnick’s
subordinates in the arms transfer bureau replied and asked for
clarification: “Is PRM saying 620I has been triggered for Israel?”

Yes, replied Julieta Valls Noyes, its assistant secretary, that was indeed
the bureau’s view. In her email, she cited a meeting from the previous day
between Blinken’s deputy secretary and other top aides in the
administration. All the bureaus on the email thread had provided talking
points to the deputy secretary, including one that said Israel had “failed
to meet most of its commitments to the president.” (None of these officials
responded to a request for comment.)

But, after a series of in-person conversations, Valls Noyes backed down,
according to a person familiar with the episode. When asked during a staff
meeting later why she had punted on the issue, Valls Noyes replied, “There
will be other opportunities,” the person said.

The financing appears to have ultimately gone through.

Less than two weeks later, Blinken delivered his report to Congress.


Do you have information about how the U.S. arms foreign partners? Contact
Brett Murphy on Signal at 508-523-5195 or by email at


2024-10-06 09:48:18 UTC
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
D. Ray
2024-10-06 13:28:20 UTC
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
I don’t care if you think that Palestinian women and children are your
enemies. US law disagree, and two government agencies who have authority to

Everyone knows that you’re shabbos goy and you would have no issues with
throwing American laws out of the window if it benefits Israel. You don’t
have to keep sucking circumcised dick, Joos already nutted.
2024-10-06 15:48:48 UTC
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
it makes sense if the one giving is a bigger enemy and that
somehow it made them weaker for it?
2024-10-06 19:43:54 UTC
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
it makes sense if the one giving is a bigger enemy and that somehow it
made them weaker for it?
you guys have funny enemies
2024-10-07 01:23:44 UTC
Post by %
Post by kazu
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
it makes sense if the one giving is a bigger enemy and that
somehow it made them weaker for it?
you guys have funny enemies
example wrt russia: america gave all its ammunition to ukraine
and now its short on ammunition?
Governor Swill
2024-10-07 09:04:18 UTC
Post by kazu
Post by %
Post by kazu
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
it makes sense if the one giving is a bigger enemy and that
somehow it made them weaker for it?
you guys have funny enemies
example wrt russia: america gave all its ammunition to ukraine
and now its short on ammunition?
Nope. The MAGAs want you to believe that though.
Although Trump is not among Project 2025'- 34 authors, more than half are appointees
and staff from his time as president; the words "Trump" and "Trump
Administration" appear 300 times in its pages. At least 140 former Trump
officials are involved in Project 2025, according to a CNN tally. It’s
reasonable to expect that a second Trump presidency would follow many of
the project’s recommendations.

Two more reasons to not vote for Trump in 31 days.

32) After losing, Trump falsely claimed the election was stolen, even
though his own inner circle, including his campaign manager,
White House lawyers, and his own Justice Department, and attorney general
told him it was not. Barr: "The claims of fraud were bullsh*t."

33) Trump kept telling his Big Lie even after more than 60 legal
challenges to the election were struck down in court,
many by Trump-appointed judges.
2024-10-07 04:51:30 UTC
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
it makes sense if the one giving is a bigger enemy and that somehow it
made them weaker for it?
Umm ... not 100% sure I followed that sentence ....

The Problem is that Hamas, and to a fair extent
Hezbollah, managed to recruit the average Abdul
as a supporter/enthusiast. The PLAN behind that
was very cynical, very evil - to use that pop
as 'human shields' and thus leverage the bleeding-
heart segment of Western Culture to defend and
support THEM no matter what.

So, as we've seen, Hamas/Hez basically use babies
as sandbags to protect their mil assets - and the
western MSM cries crocodile tears if anybody dares

But, sorry Abdul, YOU volunteered yourself and your
family to The Great Genocidal Cause. So ....

Oh, NONE of this is new in this part of the world.
The Levant and Mesopotamia have a history of conquests
and more conquests, genocides and more genocides,
grudges and more grudges, going back very literally to
the beginning of recorded history. Everybody hates,
and smites, everybody. Any claims to territory are
held with blood, not by any history or 'right'.

What a fuckin' MESS !
Siri Cruise
2024-10-07 05:14:08 UTC
  The Problem is that Hamas, and to a fair extent
  Hezbollah, managed to recruit the average Abdul
  as a supporter/enthusiast.
What alternatives does Abdul have?
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Klaus Schadenfreude
2024-10-07 18:19:17 UTC
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
it makes sense if the one giving is a bigger enemy and that somehow it made
them weaker for it?
  Umm ... not 100% sure I followed that sentence ....
  The Problem is that Hamas, and to a fair extent
  Hezbollah, managed to recruit the average Abdul
*Shut the fuck up*, you goddamned racist Nazi pseudo-sage. You don't know
anything about either Hamas or Hezbollah.
Michael Ejercito
2024-10-06 16:27:16 UTC
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
Did anyone block humanitarian aid to Germany and Japan during the
first half of the 1940's.

David Hartung
2024-10-06 17:29:12 UTC
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
    Did anyone block humanitarian aid to Germany and Japan during the first
half of the 1940's.
Shut up, you stupid greasy STI-spreading beaner.
Michael Ejercito
2024-10-07 00:40:33 UTC
Post by David Hartung
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
     Did anyone block humanitarian aid to Germany and Japan during the
first half of the 1940's.
Shut up, you stupid greasy STI-spreading beaner.
You sure keep calling me a beany greaser.

I must ioffend you so with the truth that I share!

David Hartung
2024-10-07 18:20:11 UTC
Post by David Hartung
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
     Did anyone block humanitarian aid to Germany and Japan during the first
half of the 1940's.
Shut up, you stupid greasy STI-spreading beaner.
   You sure  keep calling me a beany greaser.
Because you *are* a dirty stupid greasy beaner. Shut the fuck up.
Grimble Crumble
2024-10-07 19:07:45 UTC
Post by David Hartung
Post by David Hartung
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
     Did anyone block humanitarian aid to Germany and Japan during the first
half of the 1940's.
Shut up, you stupid greasy STI-spreading beaner.
   You sure  keep calling me a beany greaser.
Because you *are* a dirty stupid greasy beaner. Shut the fuck up.
He sure won't. His real point will drown your petty name-calling. He will
continue to convince others while your insults will be forgotten.
"Fool! You fool! Stand by! Stand by! Stand by and keep out!" - Titanic
wireless operator Jack Phillips to ignorant ship during the sinking.
Michael Ejercito
2024-10-08 01:02:12 UTC
Post by Grimble Crumble
Post by David Hartung
Post by David Hartung
Shut up, you stupid greasy STI-spreading beaner.
   You sure  keep calling me a beany greaser.
Because you *are* a dirty stupid greasy beaner. Shut the fuck up.
He sure won't. His real point will drown your petty name-calling. He will
continue to convince others while your insults will be forgotten.
No doubt about it!

All these pro-Hamasshole simps can do it call people greasers.

Another pro-Hamasshole nithing calls me a gook!


Siri Cruise
2024-10-06 22:00:34 UTC
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
    Did anyone block humanitarian aid to Germany and Japan during
the first half of the 1940's.
They were called blockades.

Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Siri Cruise
2024-10-06 21:56:28 UTC
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
What would Jesus do?
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Michael Ejercito
2024-10-07 00:41:56 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
What would Jesus do?
What He did to Germany and Japan in the first half of the 1940's.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-10-07 06:50:10 UTC
Why would you want anyone giving aid to your enemies ?
Like the Red Cross, for example? MSF? Humanitarian NGOs? Or indeed, any
civilian hospital?

Are they all fair game for your killing machine?
hello there
2024-10-07 07:17:36 UTC
Or indeed, any civilian hospital?
As in here?

Finnish TV: Hamas fires rockets from Gaza hospital

These are your heroes. Why? What's your problem?
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-10-07 20:20:56 UTC
Post by hello there
Or indeed, any civilian hospital?
As in here?
Finnish TV: Hamas fires rockets from Gaza hospital
Can you find any other report to back that up?

hello there
2024-10-07 20:57:11 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by hello there
Finnish TV: Hamas fires rockets from Gaza hospital
Can you find any other report to back that up?
Why isn't it enough?

What about this?

Washington Post: Shifa Hospital in Gaza City 'Has Become a De Facto Headquarters
for Hamas Leaders, Who Can Be Seen in Hallways and Offices'

During 2014 Gaza War, the hospital was described by journalists and authors as the de-facto
headquarters of Hamas.[45][46][47] Amnesty International documented how the Hamas forces used the
abandoned areas of the hospital to abduct, torture, and kill Palestinians accused of collaborating
with Israel.[48][49]
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-10-07 22:01:44 UTC
Post by hello there
During 2014 Gaza War, the hospital was described by journalists and
authors as the de-facto headquarters of Hamas.[45][46][47] Amnesty
International documented how the Hamas forces used the abandoned areas
of the hospital to abduct, torture, and kill Palestinians accused of
collaborating with Israel.[48][49]
So a decade later, Israel uses that excuse to destroy the hospital, and
all the innocent patients in it?

Just another example of the “intelligence failure” that allowed the
October 7 attacks to catch the entire country by surprise ...
Michael Ejercito
2024-10-10 11:23:23 UTC
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
How much aid was given to Germany and Japan during the first half of
the 1940's?

David Hartung
2024-10-10 15:36:15 UTC
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
   How much aid was given to Germany and Japan during the first half of the
Shut the fuck up, you stupid greasy beaner.
Chris Ahlstrom
2024-10-10 22:08:30 UTC
Post by David Hartung
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
   How much aid was given to Germany and Japan during the first half of the
Shut the fuck up, you stupid greasy beaner.
I'm sure your insult really cuts to the quick on Usenet. :-D
A man arrived home early to find his wife in the arms of his best friend,
who swore how much they were in love. To quiet the enraged husband, the
lover suggested, "Friends shouldn't fight, let's play gin rummy. If I win,
you get a divorce so I can marry her. If you win, I promise never to see
her again. Okay?"

"Alright," agreed the husband. "But how about a quarter a point
on the side to make it interesting?"
Lil dwarf Rudey
2024-10-10 22:57:48 UTC
Post by Chris Ahlstrom
I'm sure your insult really cuts to the quick
Why are you prosecution exempt so far Rudey?

Let's all change that:

Governor Swill /Rudy Canoza/Lou Bricano/J Carlson/Michael A
Terrell/Chris Ahlstrom/Intelligent Party/Alan Bond and a few dozen other
socks wrote:

Multiple death threats against Trump:

From: Governor Swill <***@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <***@earthlink.com>
<ONIkO.102541$***@fx11.ams4> <***@>
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otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:38:43 -0400

Oh poor me I got shot at ...


From: Governor Swill <***@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <***@earthlink.com>
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otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:37:51 -0400

Cheer up, maybe someone else will try.



From: J Carlson <***@gmx.com>
Subject: Re: AP Lies by Ommission About Identity of Invaders Charged with
Rape, Murder of 12-Year-Old
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:35:52 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Xref: news.eternal-september.org alt.politics.immigration:383549
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Post by Chris Ahlstrom
No. I am a patriotic American who wants the country and its people to
thrive. Getting rid of Trump permanently
Post by Chris Ahlstrom
is an important step to getting there.

That constitutes a DEATH THREAT against a former President, Rudey:

18 U.S. Code § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the
U.S. Code
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(a)Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail
or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any
letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any
threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon
the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice
President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office
of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or
knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the
President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the
order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years,
or both.
(b)The terms “President-elect” and “Vice President-elect” as used in
this section shall mean such persons as are the apparent successful
candidates for the offices of President and Vice President,
respectively, as ascertained from the results of the general elections
held to determine the electors of President and Vice President in
accordance with title 3, United States Code, sections 1 and 2. The
phrase “other officer next in the order of succession to the office of
President” as used in this section shall mean the person next in the
order of succession to act as President in accordance with title 3,
United States Code, sections 19 and 20.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 740; June 1, 1955, ch. 115, § 1, 69
Stat. 80; Pub. L. 87–829, § 1, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 956; Pub. L.
97–297, § 2, Oct. 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 1318; Pub. L. 103–322, title
XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

9-65.200 - Threats Against the President and Successors to the
Presidency; Threats Against Former Presidents; and Certain Other Secret
Service Protectees
The Counterterrorism Section of the National Security Division has
supervisory authority over 18 U.S.C. §§ 871 and 879 cases. As great
caution must be taken in matters relating to the security of the persons
protected by 18 U.S.C. § 871, United States Attorneys are encouraged to
consult with the Counterterrorism Section (CTS) of the National Security
Division when they have doubts on the prosecutive merit of a case. For
the same reason, dismissal of complaints under 18 U.S.C. § 871, when the
defendant is in custody under the Mental Incompetency Statutes (18
U.S.C. §§ 4244, 4246), requires approval from CTS. In other cases,
United States Attorneys must consult prior to dismissing a count
involving, or entering into any sentence commitment or other case
settlement involving a § 871 charge.


PHOENIX –David Michael Hanson, 41, of Phoenix, was arrested on Wednesday
for making online threats against the President and Vice-President.
Hanson was charged by Federal criminal complaint on Tuesday with five
counts of Threats Against the President and Successors to the Presidency
and five counts of Interstate Communication of Threats.

The complaint alleges that in November and December of 2023, while
living in Arizona, Hanson used a social media platform to post threats
to murder the President and Vice President of the United States. On
November 19, 2023, Hanson posted online a series of threatening
statements including one that stated, “#joeAndKamala I’m asking you to
resign on Monday your alternative is death brutally murdered.” After the
U.S. Secret Service spoke to Hanson and warned him that it was a Federal
crime to post such threats, on December 23, 2023, Hanson posted another
series of similar threats aimed at the President and Vice-President.

Each count of Threats Against the President and Successors to the
Presidency carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, a fine of
up to $250,000, and up to three years of supervised release. Each count
of Interstate Communication of Threats carries a maximum sentence of
five years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000, and up to three years of
supervised release.

A complaint is simply a method by which a person is charged with
criminal activity and raises no inference of guilt. An individual is
presumed innocent until evidence is presented to a jury that establishes
guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

The United States Secret Service is conducting the investigation in this
case. The United States Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona, is
handling the prosecution.

Those can be reported here:





Fellow citizens, won't you join in ending Rudey's terrorism here?

Michael Ejercito
2024-10-11 15:27:17 UTC
Post by David Hartung
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
    How much aid was given to Germany and Japan during the first half
of the 1940's?
Shut the fuck up, you stupid greasy beaner.
You sure like calling people greasers!

David Hartung
2024-10-11 15:44:58 UTC
Post by David Hartung
Post by 186282vewq.BZ943
Why would you want anyone giving aid to
your enemies ?
    How much aid was given to Germany and Japan during the first half of the
Shut the fuck up, you stupid greasy beaner.
    You sure like calling people greasers!
I call you a stupid greasy beaner because that's what you are.

hello there
2024-10-07 04:36:05 UTC
In article <***@news.usenet.farm>,
D. Ray <***@ray> wrote:


"On 30 June 2024, the IPC Global Famine Review Committee released a report that said
it could not find evidence of famine in Gaza during its report period based on its
surveys of households."

"Arab, Western officials agree Hamas is keeping Gaza food, fuel for itself - NY Times"

"Hamas Terrorists Steal Humanitarian Aid, Beat Civilians"

"Gazans to IDF: Hamas steals UNRWA food, kills civilians who ask for aid"

"As Gazans Scrounge for Food and Water, Hamas Sits on a Rich Trove of Supplies"

etc. etc. etc.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-10-07 06:47:27 UTC
"Gazans to IDF ...
Really?? When was the last time the IDF actually spoke to Gazans, instead
of shooting at them? Heck, they were even shooting their own people when
they thought they were Gazans.
... Hamas steals UNRWA food ...
But hasn’t Israel claimed that UNRWA is somehow in cahoots with Hamas? Now
you’re saying they are not on the same side.

Doesn’t Israel hate UNRWA? Israel has been the one destroying UNRWA
facilities and killing their personnel, and using that accusation of
complicity with Hamas to get its friends in the US and elsewhere to cut
off funding to the UN organization. So now you want to play up sympathy by
saying the object of your hate is the victim of Hamas?
D. Ray
2024-10-09 03:55:28 UTC
Post by hello there
"On 30 June 2024, the IPC Global Famine Review Committee released a report that said
Oh, you mean American government should put words of some random “Global
Famine Review Committee” before findings of government’s two foremost
authorities on humanitarian assistance? Ain’t happening, Jew.